And He said to me, My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness. 2 Corinthians 12:9

Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Happy 9th Birthday Nate....

Nine years ago God blessed us with our second son, Nathan John. He is still amazing me everyday with his unique mind. I love this boy deeply and I dedicate this post to my Nate. get super excited for your birthday
(actually you get excited for all of our birthdays too!) wanted to open your gifts first thing in the morning and your brother always get each other a gag gift
(this year Noah got you a pack of funny) loved swimming this summer love to play outside always seem to find a way to get super dirty built a balance beam in our back yard are a member of the Dangerous Boys Club enjoy playing board games
(especially chess and the game clue with Noah) love to watch Shaun the Sheep are still totally into Legos love the lego mini figures

.....your favorite movie is "The Lego Movie"
(surprise surprise) are in the 3rd grade have always been homeschooled are an emotional creature love going back to PA to visit family

.....your excitement is contagious are usually the 2nd kid up in the morning
(today you were up first of course) still like to dress up in costumes love going roller skating

.....your favorite color is green love to ride your bike
(especially around the neighborhood with Noah) like to play the Wii eat 2 eggs and a bowl of cereal every morning for breakfast are a literal thinker love to read the kid detective series "Nate the Great" still have hearing sensory issues eat PBJ everyday for lunch

.....your favorite jammie pants are way to short on you
(the infamous platypus jammies, but you refuse to get rid of them) pray for certain people everyday love babies
(it is so sweet to see you with baby Aaron) have a special bond with your brother Noah love our movie night with popcorn
(every Tuesday night!)

.....your favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate
(with chocolate peanut butter cups) are a great brother
(you and Luke butt heads, but you guys are still buddies) work on Scripture memory every day have a fun sense of humor

.....your best friend is Josiah

.....your favorite drink is water like to play go-fish with Lauren

.....your laugh is the best eat lots of new things these days
(your oral sensory issues are getting much better) are still the only kid in our family with freckles have a tender heart

As the years move along, it is such a blessing for us to watch you grow and mature.  With each year you gain independence and we breath a sigh of relief as you practice self control over your emotions and your actions. You have such a sweet tenderness about you, but at the same time we see you growing in strength.  We are so thankful for you, and pray for God to do a mighty work in your heart. One day we hope you will be a strong godly man and that you will serve our Lord Jesus Christ with your whole heart. 

Happy Birthday Nate
I Love You,

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